A subtle yet stunning transformation

What The Client Wanted

Our client had been self-conscious about her chin area for quite some time, so she booked a consultation at our beauty clinic in Northampton to begin discussing treatment options.

During her consultation, she explained that she led a healthy lifestyle, regularly exercised and maintained a balanced diet but, like many, found removing excess fat around her chin impossible. She was looking for a non-invasive treatment that would reduce her double chin and help her to regain confidence.

What The Client Had Done

With our client’s goal in mind, we recommend our popular fat dissolving in Northampton, a non-surgical method of removing unwanted pockets of fat. Happy with our suggestion and confident in the knowledge of our team, our client went ahead with her treatment plan.

The below before and after photos showcase our client’s incredible results just four weeks after her first session. We opted to use Aqualyx fat dissolving injections, which break down cell membranes, liquifying and destroying the fat cells. They can be used to precisely target particular areas of stubborn fat, making them ideal for treating the chin.

Much like many, our client chose to use a numbing cream before her session as it was her first time having an injectible treatment; this ensured a painless, comfortable experience from start to finish.

We are looking forward to welcoming our client back next month for her next fat dissolving treatment and seeing her confidence blossom!

Our Fat Dissolving Treatment

Before & After Photos

Dedicated To Client Care

Sharing Fantastic Feedback

The team at New You are incredible, and their fat-dissolving treatment has made me feel so much more confident!